Whether it is natural disasters, major crime, political scandal or terrorism, you can bet the media will be there on your doorstep and wanting answers – NOW!
Since September 11, 2001, our nation has changed and with it is that old, outdated crisis communications plan. Are you prepared today for the unthinkable or the unimaginable? If not, what are you waiting for? The time to plan is now.
It is not really a matter of IF it happens, but WHEN it happens. Crisis communications is not just relaying important information to the public through the media but about being credible and in control. Can you help your company or agency survive and still manage the crush of cameras, microphones and reporters without losing you mind? This course will help you prepare and keep your coll when chaos reigns.
Developing a Working Plan that Really Works!
Does the Receptionist Know? Training of Employees
The 3 C's of Crisis Management
Going "Live at 5" – On Camera Appearance
Keeping Cool, Believable and "Go Ugly" Early
Surviving National Media Scrutiny